Monday, August 11, 2014

Huzzah 40k RTT 8-17 - 1850k NOVA OPEN format -

Good evening east-coasters

The last RTT before the NOVA OPEN is running this sunday at Huzzah Hobbies 8-17.

Please arrive between 10am and 10:45. Round 1 will start at 11am. No need to sign up though it is preferred. You can call the store at  703-466-0460 or visit their website for location / number. We have room for about 30 people, so come one come all!


We are following the NOVA open missions / FAQ's this month. So that means Single CAD, and only two sources for your units (so no INQ/ SW/ SM nonsense). Please do note though that every stronghold assault model is allowed, (which is a slight difference from NOVA), so feel free to bring whatever, just please no networked building / systems. If you show up with two bastions or two void shields I'm going to tell you to re-write your list.

Costs are $15 and include lunch! All the rest of the money is rolled back into prize support.

Anyone with questions please just reply to this post.

Yes I know I copied and pasted my last blog post. It's been a busy month.

Also a reminder for the NOVA OPEN - I run the TRIOS event with Troy, if you want to do a team trios, and are seeking others for your team, please shoot me an email or leave a reply to this post! I want the Trios to be even bigger this year than ever!


Personal life updates

- Changing jobs, moving locations. Will post more in the future.